Welcome to my personal blog.
Here I write about what I'm thinking about and what some of the smartest people out there have figured out. I write about dots, how to create them, collect them, and how to connect them
To learn is having the courage to change your mind
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How something appears is always a matter of perspective…
Perspective – The new “truth”
Pt2: The pride of Friendship and why modern relationships are deeply transactional and superficial.
Pt1: The pride of Friendship and why modern relationships are deeply transactional and superficial.
Iterate, Repeat – The path to competence.
Who is going with you?– A reflection
In search of Nothing – Distracted enough to be comfortable.
A collection of Dots
A collection of Dots.
Conversations – How to talk and listen.
Who are you? – The modern struggle with Identity.
Why looking back is a way to move forward. — Part 2


Improve your thinking, improve the story you tell yourself, with that you can change your life.